Mindshift in Personal Development


Everyone has heard the statement that says “leaders are learners”.  The question that is begging to be asked is “what you learning”?  Our learning and implementation of the the learning are criticlal to the continued development and success of our leadership.  Learning is only as beneficial as our ability to apply it to our daily craft.

For years, I would ask myself, what book or author do I want to learn from in order for my continued development.  While this created an incredible amount of knowledge and learning, I soon realized that time was my most valuable resource.  As my time became “more valuable”, I realized that I must be intentional with the time I invest in my learning. I began to focus on a specific question as I developed my personal Leadership Development Plan:

What must I learn or become in order for those I lead to become successful?

This simple question began a mindshift in my personal leadership development.  I realized my mindset must shift from what must I learn or do to become successfult into what must I learn or do in order for those I lead to become successful.

This simple midset shift began to produce incredible results in the organizations I serve, coach and consult.  Almost instantly, the leadership of those I served began to change, increase and adjust.  The content I was learning was freshly applicable to situations and tensions we were facing.

The unexpted truth of this mindshift, I was growing in my leadership faster than every before.  I become more valuable to those around me and those that served with me were able to accomplish more than we ever imagined.

I was recently reminded that a leader’s greatest passion must be the development of those around them.  They must be generous with their knowledge, application and time.  This passion fueled my desire to learn, so that I can help others.

What do you need to do or learn in order for those around you to be successful? Answering and implementing this single question can be the game changer for you or your organization.  It may be time for you to engage.

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